“I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit
because apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5
As members of this family of faith called Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church we have been blessed with solid roots --- for we are rooted in the Gospel!
This congregation, which is a member of the body of Christ on earth, has been blessed with an abundance of compassionate and caring members since its inception in 1905.
Some have been members for many years. They are like the dependable branches which have long been attached to the vine.
Others have been members for a matter of months; they are like the new branches that spring forth with new life. The congregation has long been nurtured
by “transplants” brought to us through their military ties to Fort Drum.
Both the old and the new are sustained by the life that comes from the vine: Jesus Christ. We are watered through the Sacrament of Holy Baptism and nourished through
Word and the Sacrament of Holy Communion.
Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church was officially organized on September 5, 1906. For two years, services were held in the Odd Fellows assembly room of the old Herald
Building. On May 24, 1908 the church building located at 118 N. Massey Street was dedicated. The cost of the church building and its furnishings was $14,500.
Construction of our present building began in 1970 with dedication services held on September 26, 1971.
We are part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Originally Concordia was part of the New York Synod of the Lutheran Church in America, the successor of the
Ministerium of New York, which is the 2nd oldest Lutheran body in the western hemisphere (October 23, 1786).
Concordia has been blessed with a tradition of faithful pastors who have “bloomed” while planted here:
- The Rev. Yost Brandt 1905-1914
- The Rev. Paul Kasten 1914-1920
- The Rev. Frederick K. Vogt 1921-1960
- The Rev. John N. Campbell 1961-1986
- The Rev. David L. Windle 1986-1992
- The Rev. Paul D. Luisi 1992-2023
Pastors Campbell, Windle and Luisi were present at our Centennial in 2006.

Pastor Campbell, Pastor Luisi, Bishop Marie Jerge, Pastor Windle